Why Incumbent Ted Lieu Turns His Back on the Community re: 5G and GEOENGINEERING

We believe the reason we were 100% IGNORED by our current Cong. Ted Lieu, despite SO MANY of his constituents telling them they have a cell tower near their home and/or don’t want 5G antennas in front of or near their homes or businesses and will have to move and/or sell their house in order to avoid getting cancer, neurological illness, heart attack stroke, loss of energy, headaches, etc., is due to his enormous CONFLICT OF INTEREST.

According to the above conflict of interest link containing research from Open Secrets, Cong. Ted Lieu took $507,096 from the communications industry and $105,061 from the Defense industry (defense industry is behind geoengineering). So when Cong. Lieu speaks of steps he is taking to deal with climate change, he will take only the steps he is “allowed to take” which includes ANYTHING except dealing with the non stop climate havoc wreaked by geoengineering.

This same funding data will also show over $100,000 (plus bump up to Colonel from Major) given to Ted Lieu by the military industrial complex, the industry integrally involved with geoengineering. We believe this would be why incumbent Ted Lieu also has a “hands off” policy when speaking about climate change… Never ONCE does he speak about geoengineering, the main cause of the extreme weather events experienced in the US and globally.