
Welcome and thank you for visiting my website!  My name is Liz Barris and I am running for Congress in District 33 of Los Angeles!  Please visit my About page for a more in depth explanation as to why  I have chosen to run for Congress.  Please also watch my Congressional video below…



There are some very serious issues that are being COMPLETELY ignored by Congress right now, to ours and our environments great detriment.  One of those issues is being continually lied to about deadly products and infrastructure that our tax dollars pay for, such as wireless radiation emitting products and infrastructure.  My personal connection with the issue of the general public constantly being lied to by the government and corporate entities including media outlets that benefit financially from these lies, is I was given cancer by some cell antennas on a rooftop near my apartment in Santa Monica. You can read more about my story on the About page of this website and you can also watch a video on our lawsuit against 5G and the FCC on that page.

Prior to my life being turned upside down by EMFs (electromagnetic fields), I had what I would consider to be an adventurous, exciting and fulfilling life.  I had a great job, was making great money, I had friends, a social life, I traveled, I basically was pursuing my version of “The American dream”.  This all came to a slow grinding halt when I started becoming “sensitive” to wireless radiation, or electromagnetic fields.  My existence today is very different than it was 10 years ago.  I no longer enjoy the freedoms that we all so much take for granted, like being able to walk into a coffee shop, sit down and stay for a couple of hours.  I now must wear protective shielding in order to block the WIFI in the coffee shop, but I also must wear this protective shielding nearly everywhere I go as there is wireless radiation EVERYWHERE in our environment.  I literally am forced to deal with this issue every day of my life, and so now I am attempting to make Congress deal with it.  They created it after all with the oh so clever “Telecom Act” which give deadly radiation emitting antennas more of a right to your property than you.  Right now we have lawsuits and Congressional runs, global protests and a myriad of actions being taken on this issue…I am confident, somethings gotta give and soon!

Please visit my other pages on this website to see my stance on the issues Congress and the main stream news media are “allowed to discuss” plus my stance on other issues they are “not allowed to discuss.”

Please also email me if you are a constituent and have any issue at all you’d like to know my stance on.  Even if I don’t agree with you, at least I won’t lie to you.  This I promise.

Click on the below link to download Liz’s history and bio on EMFs…
EMF Bio Liz Barris (electromagnetic fields)