Enforce Anti Trust Laws

Anti trust laws apparently USED to be enforced in the US.  Not anymore.  This has caused price gauging and worse.  For example, when I didn’t want a smart meter on the gas tank on my home, I simply told the company that supplies my gas I didn’t want one.  After they tried to convince me to have one I told them I would be getting my gas elsewhere (there were 3 or 4 other choices in the area from which to get gas).  Not so with my electricity.  When I told Edison I didn’t want a smart meter, they told me “too bad” and tried to force one on me.  I ended up having to sue them over this.  This all could have been avoided if there had been competition for my electricity through another company or 2.  But because Edison has the MONOPOLY on electricity in their service area, I had no other choices and thus had to go to court to make sure I wasn’t stuck with  smart meter.

The below video by Robert Reich fabulously illustrates the situation…